Wifi password online viewer
Wifi password online viewer

wifi password online viewer

If you have not done so already, we strongly suggest that you log into your router with its default password and replace it with a strong password that will keep your network secure. A list of the default passwords for most routers can be obtained from any number of online Wi-Fi password finders such as You will find that most of the manufacturers do not attempt to secure their routers, as the default passwords are often “admin” or “password”. This is not a good way to keep your network secure. Most Wi-Fi routers on the market come ready to use with a default password in place and do not force you to change it. The password is designed to protect your router from unauthorized access by intruders who could potentially disrupt or compromise your network. All Wi-Fi routers require you to enter a password if you want to gain access to their administrative functions.

Wifi password online viewer